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(a.k.a Liars Contest)

Official Stuff
*subject to change


  • Cash prizes:

    • 1st place $75

    • 2nd place $50

    • 3rd place $25

  • 1st place winner will also have the opportunity to tell the winning story in our Saturday evening session - rubbing shoulders with professional storytellers!



  • Professionals and amateurs are welcome.  Don't be shy.  Remember the pros were once amateurs themselves.

  • There is no age restriction.  However, contestants will be chosen from those who complete the entire registration process below.



  • Contestants must register ahead of time.  Registration is free and must include the following:

    • Either

      • an outline of your story, or​ 

      • a link to a video or audio clip of part of your story.

    • First and last name

    • Age, if under 18 years old

    • Phone#

    • Email address ​

  • Send the above information using the the registration box below.

  • Registrations are due by 11:59pm the Sunday before the festival.


Guidelines & Tips

  • Tall Tales (stories) will be limited to 8 minutes each.

  • The decision of the judges will be final.

  • Family-friendly is a must! 

  • Keep it light-hearted (don't be mean-spirited).

  • A Tall Tale's aim is not to deceive, but to begin with the plausible and progress to the utterly and ridiculously hysterical.

  • Tell us your story (don't tell us "about" your story).

  • For some great tips from the Kentucky Storytelling Association, click here.


Thanks for submitting!

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